Latest research shows that habitual eating patterns are associated with habitual sleep patterns. This research may mean that you can promote healthy sleep by changing your diet.
Also this research has found that your sleep type determines your risk for certain illnesses; so by solving your individual sleep issues, you can minimize your risk for conditions like obesity, heart disease and stroke. These are just some of the reasons why we all need a good nights sleep.
So how do you become an ideal sleeper that has (7-8 Hours a Night), you need to hydrated and eat well balanced meals with nutrients and drink mainly water.
Food can be a strong support in the quest for a good night’s sleep. Some insomnia sufferers wake at night because their blood sugar drops too low. Adequate protein and healthy fat intake can help stabilize blood sugar through the night, and allow the liver to let out stored sugar molecules as needed for a good night’s sleep. Foods can also support the healthy production of brain neurotransmitters and create calming results in the body.
Problem: Trouble Falling Asleep
Solution: Montmorency Tart Cherries
The Montmorency cherry is a type of sour cherry. The color is not as dark as the cherries we typically see in the stores. These cherries are great because they have about 6 times the amount of melatonin than a regular cherry. If you can find a cherry juice concentrate, this will also increase the concentration of melatonin even more.
Melatonin is a hormone produced in your brain’s pineal gland. When it gets dark outside, your eyes sense the lighting change and starts making this hormone, which communicates to your body that it is time to prepare to sleep. Melatonin helps maintain your daily body rhythms, and is an important antioxidant in the body known to fight cancer. In fact, low amounts are shown to increase risk of cancer.