Salad Dressing
Often when you apply a salad dressing to you salad, it pours out, so put your slad dressing in a seperate container on the side of your salad and dip you salad into the dressing, you will consume far less calories this way. And especially when you go to a restaurant, they often drown your salad with the dressing, it is so much more healthier to have the salad dressing on the side.
Portion Control

Rather than give up your desserts that you love, try putting your favorite dessert in a shot glass and then you get the sweet flavor you crave, but without the guilt of having a blown out your calorie intake for the day.
Another way to control your sugar intake, is take 6oz of your favorite juice and 6oz of water or soda water and mix them together and you get the taste of your favorite drink with half the calories.
Portable Compact i4lenses
These clip on your own glasses easily, and they flip up and out of the way easily, they are so handy when you are out at a restaurant and need to read the menu, or even if you are trying to read the labels on your bottles, they are really cheap so I have several pairs throughout the house, car and work.
Add Probiotics to your daily diet. It's easy as making a probiotic puree (which helps reduce inflammation).
Puree any fruit or vegetable and add 1 tablespoon of probiotic powder to increase your energy level.
Add 30 drops of Ginseng extract to 1/2 cup of water and soak this solution in a coffee filter, use this filter for your coffee in the morning, to give you a kick start for the day.
Soak your nuts in purified water overnight to wash away the phytates, this will boost your energy.
Add 30 drops of frankincense into a handfull of cotton balls and put them in your pillowcase to help you sleep.
Affordable Anti Aging Products
Hands age quickly and Morroccan Oil helps you hands look younger, every time you wash your hands you should moisturize)
Dickinson's Witch Hazel used daily on your face stops the bags under your eyes
Use Living Proof Hair restoration, a light cream that makes you hair looking unbelievable great.
Dr Oz's Sweet Treats
After you have had dinner sometimes you crave for something sweet, try mixing some fresh fruit with your salad, or a mango chutney on your chicken or add raisens into your rice dish, this will stop your sugary craving at the end of your meal.
Sweet Healthy Treats
Try mixing pickles in with cottage cheese, this is low in calories and boost your energy.
Mix Almond milk in a bowl of popcorn, to have a healthy snack.
Try a slice of cucumber and a slice of banana for a sweet healthy treat
Short Cuts to help you Cut Calories
Try eating with your non dominant hand , this will make you eat slower and help you chew your food.
Try eating the firmer bread at the dinner table, you will fill up quicker and chew more and eat less.
Chew sugar less gum while you are cooking, you will stop eating and chewing gum aids in digestion
Dr Oz's Favorite Low Calorie Desserts
Chocolate Banana Babies
Whole Grain Cookies which has walnuts and flax seed included
Kind Bars- they are loaded with protein and daily essential vitamins and only 180 calories per bar.
Natural Mouth Wash
1 tsp sage extract
1 tsp calendula extract
1tsp myrrh gum extract
Gurgle in your mouth to beat bad breath. You can even swallow but Dr Oz doesn’t suggest it.
Dill Weed reduces the bile and reduces bloating because how embarrassing is it when you get gassy in public? Sprinkle it on salad or yogurt or eat it from the bag.
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