Here are 4 different supplements recommended by Dr. Oz, but each supplement targets different areas, so choose the biggest area you have a problem and try that supplement. 7-KETO speeds up metabolism, FORSKOLIN to burn Fat, RELORA is for stress which cause the release of cortisol the hormone that stores fat....last but not least CARAWAY seeds helps excessive bloating. Check out more information about these products below:
Supplement to Boost Your Metabolism: 7-Keto

Dose: Take 200mg a day. Take 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg at night – this helps you maintain a steady amount of 7-Keto in your bloodstream throughout the day, keeping your metabolic levels steady.
Supplement to Break Down Fat: Forskolin
Forskolin is found in the roots of an herbal plant from the mint family. Researchers have found that forskolin can help to promote the breakdown of stored fats in animal and human fat cells. It may also release fatty acids from adipose tissue, which results in increased thermogenesis, resulting in loss of body fat and, theoretically, increased lean body mass.
Dose: Take 125 mg in the morning. Be sure to get the right dosing by looking at the label. It must read that it is standardized to 20% forskolin. Anything less will have a reduced impact on fat burning.
Flower and Fruit Combo
800 mg. of ReBody - Meratrim Fruit & Flower SlimmingThe Breakthrough Fruit & Flower Formula ReBody Meratrim Fruit & Flower Slimming Formula gives overweight people a non-stimulant slimming formula derived from a unique fruit and flower extract blend.
Take 1/2 before breakfast and dinner, that is 400 mg twice a day.
Supplement to Beat Bloating: Caraway Seeds
In many ancient practices, from African to Chinese and ayurvedic medicine, caraway seeds have been recommended to treat gastrointestinal disorders. Rich in vitamins and minerals, caraway seed are a powerful digestive aid that helps eliminate gas, thanks to its carminative properties, which prevent the formation of gas or aid in the expulsion of gas. Bloating occurs when bad bacteria release gas in your intestine. Caraway seeds inhibit the growth of that bad bacteria and allow good bacteria to digest food.
Dose: Eat a handful of seeds after meals to stop gas from causing the bloating that makes your belly expand. You’ll help your digestion and feel much more comfortable – and svelte – after eating.
Supplement to Reduce Stress: Relora
When you’re under stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which makes your body store fat around your midsection. If you tend to gain weight when you’re stressed out, this supplement can help you tackle stubborn belly fat. Relora is supplement made from the extracts of two plants used for thousands of years by Chinese herbalists to promote relaxation. Clinical studies have shown that Relora can help mitigate feelings of anxiety. Decreased levels of cortisol can lead to the prevention of weight gain, the loss of excess weight, and the reduction of stress eating.
Dose: Take 250mg of Relora three times a day – or one dose with every meal. Studies have demonstrated this to be the most effective use of this supplement so you receive the maximum benefit.
Saffron Extract
Dr. Oz recommends Saffron Extract to help curb your appetite! The foundation of the saffron study is based on what some refer to as "disturbed dietary behaviors" that include compulsive, uncontrolled snacking. Snacking is significantly affected by mood swings related to stress and has been shown to manifest as a strong preference for high-sugar and high-fat snacks. Stress snacking or "emotional eating" occurs primarily in females and affects a large portion of this population.
Dose: Take 88-90mg two times a day
Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. Use the information you learn on the Dr. Oz Show to start a dialogue with your doctor. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements. Only your doctor can help you determine what product/supplement is best for you given your unique medical history.
Belly-Blasting Meals
Breakfast: High-Fiber Cereal
Start your day with a bowl of high-fiber cereal. Insoluble fiber absorbs water and expands to fill you up, so you feel satisfied without over-eating. Add a handful of blueberries for an antioxidant boost – the polyphenols help to block the formation of new fat cells.
Lunch: Add Sauerkraut
Add some extra flavor to your turkey sandwich or simply eat it as a side. Sauerkraut contains good bacteria that enhance digestion and reduces belly inflammation.
Dinner: Make Miso Soup Your Appetizer
Having a bowl of miso soup can help flatten your belly. It’s rich in vitamin B12, which is a power player when it comes to metabolizing fats and carbohydrates. Broth-based soups are a good energy-dense food – which means you’ll get more food for less calories. Leading with soup will fill up your stomach before you dine, so you’re less likely to overindulge on the main course.
You can eat your leftovers for lunch the next day.
Belly Blasting Shake
This spinach shake should be a staple in your diet plan. High in fiber,
it will keep you feeling full for longer.
Makes 1 1/2 servings
3 cups spinach
2 cups ice
1/2 banana
2 tbsp of peanut
1 scoop vanilla
protein powder
3/4 cup of unsweetened
almond milk
Add all ingredients to blender and blend on high speed, until completely mixed.
Add all ingredients to blender and blend on high speed, until completely mixed.
Pour shake into glass
and enjoy!
Please Note: Do not take any product or supplement without consulting your doctor or health care provider. Use the information you learn on the Dr. Oz Show to start a dialogue with your doctor. This is especially important if you have any medical condition and if you are currently taking any prescriptions or supplements. Only your doctor can help you determine what product/supplement is best for you given your unique medical history.