Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anti Aging Foods D-N

This is a continuation of the best Anti Aging Foods recommended by Dr. Oz.

Dark Chocolate

This decadent treat will help curb your sweet tooth and is rich in flavonoids.
Dark chocolate can help your arteries relax and widen, lowering blood pressure, promoting good blood flow and reducing the strain on the heart.
Help prevent the build-up of plaque that can block arteries and have mild anti-blood clotting effects


Your favorite breakfast food just got a little bit better! Eggs are rich in iron and biotin, which help keep your skin and hair healthy.
Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.


Guavas can help improve your skin texture and avoid skin problems more than the best of beauty creams or skin toner gels can do. This exotic fruit is packed with vitamin C which boosts collagen production to smooth skin. Two cups of guava per week is the perfect dose of this anti-aging powerhouse.


Kelp contains fucoidan, a complex carbohydrate that is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Kelp protects against radiation poisoning due to its high iodine content. Iodine is also important for the thyroid, immune system, and female hormone regulation.
This natural, sea dwelling plant contains vitamins C and E, which protect fats in the skin's moisture barrier from free-radical damage.

Lean beef

Lean beef is full of iron. Iron deficiency can cause nail beds to be thin and concave.
Lean beef is a very good source of protein, providing 64.1% of the daily value of the nutrient, in just 4 ounces.
It serves as a good source of vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, needed by the body to convert the potentially dangerous chemical homocysteine to benign molecules.
Diets high in vitamin B12-rich foods, but low in fat are associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.


Mango provides 96 percent of your daily vitamin C needs and helps prevent periodontal disease.
Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin. What this means is that people who suffer from acne, which is caused by clogged pores, will benefit from mango.

Mediterranean Foods

A delicious Mediterranean eating plan can help protect against heart disease, diabetes, cancer – even help with weight loss.
Fennel, an anti-inflammatory; octopus, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, B12, iron and zinc; gigantes beans, giant lima beans rich in potassium.

Noni Juice

Pure noni juice, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help fight the formation of tumors – and wrinkles. Noni and noni products build collagen and are high in antioxidants and polyphenols.
Drinking the juice and eating the seeds helped them survive through times of famine. Vitamin C helps fight common colds, ward off flu and generally gives you a bounce in your step. By excreting toxins from your body naturally, you can feel better, have less aches and pains.

Aminophylline Cream

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